100 Inspiring Women | Malawi

I am deeply delighted to have recognised as one of the 100 most inspiring women in Malawi. Always grateful to Wealth Malawi for their intentional efforts in documenting Malawians doing meaningful work.

A night at Mr. Purple

If you are visiting or are resident in New York, and are into rooftop bars as much as I am, you would not want to miss out on the Mr. Purple experience.

Creative (Networking) in New York City

11 months after moving to New York City – I find myself in the middle of a really gorgeous gallery, sitting on a couch around wonderful humans from all around the world… creatives and dreamchasers much like myself. How does one do it – create a new community, you ask? I, like you, had no idea too.

Selfcare – Ameon Skin

For the past 3 years, due the pressures of building my businesses and academia, I have self-neglected a lot. I have not taken good care of myself – of my skin, my health, and my fitness. For 2023, I am putting myself first.